Whoa, the Ozon Seller app is really kicking some serious butt! It lets you handle sales right from your phone, even if you're miles away from a computer. Imagine setting up new shops, getting updates on reviews, orders, or returns, and even chatting with Ozon support all without breaking a sweat. You'll get to tweak your product pages, manage orders, and dive into sales analytics like a boss. Need to get your hands dirty with promotions or ad campaigns? No problemo! Plus, with Ozon Bank, managing your finances is a piece of cake. It’s like having the whole marketplace in your pocket. Jump on it and keep tabs on the latest marketplace buzz!
Ever tried managing your sales right from your phone? 📱 Well, with the Ozon Seller app, it's totally doable! We're constantly adding all sorts of cool features and tools from the seller account that make it way easier for Ozon partners to take care of their hustles, adjust to the fast-paced marketplace, and tackle business stuff on the go with just a few taps. 🚀
Here's the lowdown on what you can do using the app:
- Set up new stores with ease: We'll guide you through everything, from getting your store up and running to scoring that first sale. 🛒
- Stay in the know: Get notifications about everything – new reviews, questions, orders, returns, Ozon news, you name it.
- Manage your product detail pages (PDPs) effortlessly.
- Stay on top of orders: Confirm packagings, shipments, handle returns, and keep tabs on your warehouses and supplies heading to Ozon.
- Connect with your customers: Chat with them and Ozon support, answer inquiries, get back to reviews, and tackle those cheeky discount requests. 🗣️
- Dive into deep sales insights, keep an eye on your competition and check out finance analytics.
- Boost your biz: Jump into promotions, fine-tune your ad campaigns, and set unbeatable prices for your stuff.
- Handle your money matters with Ozon Bank.
- Juggle multiple stores effortlessly.
- Catch up with all the latest marketplace news. 📰
It's like having your entire business in your pocket, ready to go wherever you are! 👍